Symbol of Climate Change

Polar bears have become an important global symbol of climate change and the Arctic earning them the titles of Kings & Queens of the Arctic. They have but one predator.. mankind. Since 1973 when the nations of the Arctic signed an agreement on the conversation of polar bears their populations have recovered well. Yet preventing legal hunting of them isn’t the only thing effecting polar bear populations. We must reduce greenhouse gas emissions. If we can’t make a big enough change it will spell the end for this magnificent animal that has defeated everything Mother Nature has thrown at them in the past. . Like everything else in this natural world that is lost, if we lose the polar bear it will likely be due to to what we as humans have caused. Time to make a change. One simple step.. don’t let your car idol more than 10 seconds. Change starts at home with with you. No matter where in this world you live. Photographed on assignment with One Ocean Expeditions

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