In the Presence of Polar Bears

I can’t exactly explain the feelings that run through me when I’m in the presence of polar bears, it’s so surreal & it makes my heart explode. The time spent with this mother & her cubs is almost indescribable for me. I have had a love for polar bears since I was a young boy. The first time I wrote a guiding company to inquire about seeing polar bears I was 9.. & crushed as a 9 year old to find out how unaffordable it was for my family to take me. It was a very long time before I got to lay eyes on my first polar bears in the wild.. therefore I never take a second of it for granted. 

I have to pinch myself that someone has faith in me and my skill set that they want to send me on assignments like this. It is truly an honour & a privilege to share any amount of time with one of nature’s most magnificent animals. I wish everyone out there could experience even just one day with polar bears. I get that’s not a realistic possibility. It truly means a lot to me when I hear from those of you that thank me for bringing them a piece of a world they may not ever get to experience for themselves. 

Again, it is an honour and a privilege to have these experiences and to have the good fortune of sharing them with you. Thank you for following my journey along. Shot on assignment withOne Ocean Expeditions

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